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Updated: 2024/08/19

Tampa Bay FCG

I'm still practicing and playing Fighting Games, it's been a full year now! The people running Gamers on the Edge, Neon Dreams Arcade, Tampa Gaming Dojo, and the OPP Block (it's a discord server) really deserve some kudos for keeping a friendly, welcoming, and hard working community. Playing a game competitvely is very different from playing it casually. That said, if we didn't make struggles for ourselves, than what's the point? I'm mostly playing Street Fighter 6 still, but I'm dipping my toes into King of Fighters XV. It has a great cast, and I'm excited for Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves to come out next year. Not prepping for any tournaments in particular now. Just going to the locals, doing online events, and going to tournaments when I can afford it.

Reading a bunch of books

I'm trying to start a cadence of reading a stack of non-fiction books every six months all at once, and that time is coming around again! Here is a list of some of the books I will be checking out:

edit: I wrote this out three months ago and still haven't read all of the books. I'm renewing my efforts starting today. Unfortunately I had to return Tehnopoly, but I did read Slow Productivity and Useful Not True.


I have gotten myself pretty involved with fixing my car and my house. Last year I got a prius and decided I wanted to start taking repairs into my own hands. So far I've been replacing my brakes, shocks, and changing my oil. The tools are expensive the first time, but I now have the knowledge and tools to save money for the future!
It seems like there's always a fence post going down in my yard so each month I've been replacing one of those. Once hurricane season is up, I have a plan to dig up and mulch my back yard. It will be a lot of work, but after my wife and I added a gravel patio, doing these landscaping projects are very much worth it.


The King of Fighters Community is very strong in Mexico and other spanish speaking communities. Having to interact with so many spanish speakers has inspired me to try to review my spanish skills.
I somehow passed four years of spanish in school without putting that much effort into it, but now, as an adult, I get to try again. I'm starting with Duolingo to build up the habit, but I hope to use other tools as well.

Assisting elections

In May, August, and Novemeber of this year, I have volunteered to be a pollworker for Pinellas County for the elections. I figured if I'm not doing much to volunteer and help, I can at least give up three days a year at a minimum. For this upcoming election I will be an assistant clerk! Basically I will be helping everyone at the site, being #2 to the clerk, and we are fortunate at our site to have a good one. Make sure you go and vote yourself!


I'm still working at Engage fi and I really like it there. I'm the system admin of the tool we use called Smartsheet. I get to interact with people all across the company to build tools and get the right data to the right places.

What books I'm reading

What comics I'm reading

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